There shall be two examinations as follows:
Preliminary examination shall be conducted at the end of the one year after
commencement of the course as notified in the calendar of events issued by the
Subjects for Preliminary examinations:
Paper- I Part A: Research
methodology & Part B: Biostatics – The number of teaching hours and
allotment of marks for theory examination shall be as per revised CCIM syllabus
for Preliminary subjects as given here under Section III. .
examination shall be conducted as class examination by the respective
institution and the results of the same shall not be considered for the
preliminary examination.
Paper – II with Part-A & Part-B: Applied aspects
and basics of concerned Subject as per CCIM revised syllabusas given here under
section III. The number of teaching hours for theory shall be 100 hours and
practicals shall be 100 hours in an academic year. Allotment of marks for
theory and practicals/Clinical & Viva voce examination shall be as per
revised CCIM syllabus for Preliminary subjects as given here under Section III.
2) Final examination shall be conducted on completion of two academic years
after passing preliminary examination.
The university shall conduct two
examinations. Not more than two examinations shall be conducted in an academic
The student shall have to publish at least one Research paper on the
basis of his dissertation in one Journal and one paper presentation in Regional
level seminar.
The total theory classes in Paper-I, Paper-II, Paper-III,
Paper-IV shall be 100 hours each. The total number of Practical/Clinics classes
in 2nd year & 3rd year shall be 200 hours each year.
Examinations in any
branch of study shall consist of (a)Dissertation, (b)written paper (Theory),
(c)Practical/Clinical and Viva voce.
(a) Dissertation:Acceptance of
dissertation shall be a precondition for the candidate to appear for the final
(b)Written Examination (Theory): Written examination shall consist
of four question papers pertaining to Paper-I, Paper-II, Paper-III &
Paper-VI each of three hours duration. Total marks for each paper will be 100.
There shall be 2 long essay questions each carrying 20 marks and 6 short essay
questions each carrying 10 marks.
(c) Practical / Clinical and Viva voce
Examination: In case of practical examination, it should be aimed at assessing
competence and skills of techniques and procedures. It should also aim at
testing student's ability to make relevant and valid observations,
interpretation and inference of laboratory or experimental or clinical work
relating to his/her subject for undertaking independent work as a specialist.
The actual format of Practical/clinical and Viva voce examination &
distribution of marks for each specialty subject is given in the syllabus of
CCIM and the same has to be followed.
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